Dagens ord: Cunnilingus

Cunnilingus kommer av de latinske ordene cunnus, ‘kvinnens ytre kjønnsorgan’ og lingere, ‘slikke’ og betyr kjærtegn med munn og tunge av kvinnens ytre kjønnsorganer.

En mer poetisk definisjon finner man i Norsk medisinsk ordbok, som er utgitt av Det Norske Samlaget: «kjønnsleik der elskaren smeikjer dei kvinnelege kjønnsdelane med tunga»

Cunnilingus diskuteres av George og Jerry i Seinfeld-episoden «The Mango»:


GEORGE: Yep. There’s one little problem.

JERRY: Sexual?

GEORGE: Yeeeaaah. Well….. I’ve never really felt confident in….. one particular aspect.

JERRY: Below the equator?


JERRY: Nobody does. You know, nobody knows what to do. You just close your eyes and you hope for the best. I really think they’re happy if you just make an effort.

GEORGE: I don’t know. Last time I got the tap.

JERRY: You got the tap?

GEORGE: You know, you’re going along, you think everything’s all right and all of a sudden you get that tap. (George taps his own shoulder). You know it’s like pfffff (whistling sound), all right that’s enough, you’re through.

JERRY: The tap is tough.

GEORGE: It’s like the manager coming out and asking you for the ball.

JERRY: Well maybe she just wanted to move on to other business.

GEORGE: No, no, this wasn’t moving on. I got the hook. I wish I could get a lesson in that.

JERRY: It’s a very complicated area.

GEORGE: You can go crazy trying to figure that place out.

JERRY: It’s a haaazy mystery.

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